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    Arts Education Mission

    The mission of the Peoria Unified Arts Education Department is to promote artistic literacy, personal expression, innovation and critical thinking.  By providing all Peoria Unified students the opportunity to experience and engage in the Arts, we support the academic, creative, collaborative and emotional needs of our students, equipping them to become critical thinkers and to shape the future of an ever-changing world. 


    Interested in helping to shape the lives of students by being an Arts Educator in Peoria Unified? Apply here! 

  • Arts Ed Program Overview
  • Arts Educator Support

Elementary Course Offerings

HS Course Offerings

  • * Some courses may not be offered at every campus. Please check with school Guidance counselors for additional information.


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      • Clear Bags Required at High School Events in 2024-25

        In alignment with many other of our peer school districts, Peoria Unified will implement a requirement that only clear bags may be used at all after-school sports and extracurricular events held at any Peoria Unified high school beginning in 2024-25 school year. Using clear bags enhances safety measures which is a shared responsibility for everyone who attends district’s events at our high schools. It will also streamline the entry process for guests attending these events.

        Learn more about the new District requirement before you attend an event 

      • Arts Education is...