- Frontier Elementary School
- Overview
Resources for parents of kindergarteners
Helpful information for new kindergarteners and their parents:
Latex Allergy
There are several people on our campus who are extremely allergic to LATEX.
Please do not bring latex balloons or latex gloves or any latex products to school.
We appreciate your help in this matter.
Maintaining a Well-Balanced Diet
It may sound cliché, but eating a healthy breakfast gives your student a head start. Studies have shown that children who eat breakfast learn better, participate in class more often, behave better, and attend school more often. They even visit the school nurse less frequently.
Breakfast also helps them with a less delicate problem: constipation. A lot of kids go to the nurse's office with stomach pain, and it's often because they did not have a bowel movement at home and don't want to use the school bathroom, says Dr. Yankus. "The body is ready to stool within a half hour of eating breakfast, but most kids don't leave enough time in the morning for that," he explains. "I urge middle and high school kids to get up early enough to eat, shower, and sit on the toilet before they go to school."Here are a few tips for staying safe in school: Stay Healthy Tips for Kids in School
Students with Allergies
Please fill this form out if your child has an allergy and takes Benadryl or has an Epi-Pen. This form has 2 pages. You can either print them out separately or back to back.
Administering Medication
Administering Medication
This form is used for all medications to be administered at school. One form per medication.
Consent to Administer Meds.pdf
If you would like to give permission for the school to administer Tylenol to your child/children please fill out this form each school year and send it in with your child to the nurse's office:
If your child has Asthma please fill out the attached form and have your child's doctor sign it if possible. Please return it to the nurse's office. These forms are good for one school year.
Immunization Requirements
Attention: Parents of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grade Students:
Over recent years there have been several changes to the immunization requirement for the school age child. Children will be excluded from school beginning October 15 if proof of the required immunization is not received in the nurse’s office.
Please review your child’s shot record for the following immunizations.
At age 11 or older, he/she must now have:
1.Tdap vaccine if it has been 5 years since the DTP/DTAP or any type of Tetanus
2.Menactra (MCV4)
3.Varicella (chicken pox)Call your primary care doctor or the school nurse, Cheri Dolloff, RN, for any questions. 623-412-4904.
Donations Accepted
If you would like to donate items to the Health Office, the following are some of the items we go through a lot and could always use more of.
We will try to update this site weekly in case we get too many of one item. Please remember No LATEX products. Thank you very much.
- Lysol Wipes
- Tissue Boxes
- New underwear (boys and girls)
- Water bottles