New Open Enrollment Policy

  • The Peoria Unified Governing Board approved changes to Policy JFB - Open Enrollment on September 23, 2021 to align with state statute.  Changes to the open enrollment policy include the following:

    • Families currently on open enrollment will not need to re-apply each year for open enrollment status. Schools will review students’ open enrollment status annually for readmittance for the following year.
    • Eighth-grade students currently enrolled/open enrolled in a district elementary school wishing to attend a district high school out of their attendance area must fill out an open enrollment application by December 1 of their eighth-grade year. The application must be submitted directly to the high school of the student’s choice
    • Applicants must submit open enrollment applications on or before December 1 of each year to meet the priority deadline to be considered for open enrollment during the following school year. Schools will accept applications through the school year, as capacity allows. 

    Open Enrollment Capacity

    On Friday, January 6, 2023, the Governing Board was notified of the District's Open Enrollment capacity. Upon review, it was determined that all schools and all grade levels have capacity, except for Lake Pleasant Elementary, Sunset Heights Elementary, and Liberty High School. 

    For detailed information about Open Enrollment capacity, check our grade-by-grade breakdown for each school. 

    Lake Pleasant, Sunset Heights, and Liberty will continue to admit open enrollment students who meet the following criteria:

    • Pupils returning to school from the prior year.
    • Siblings of pupils already enrolled
    • Pupils who are children of persons who are employed by the school or the district.
    • Pupils who are in foster care or qualify under McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act.

    Please note the following:

    • Capacity estimates for grades one through 12 will be made available to the public by the last Friday in September of each year on the home page of each schools' website.
    • Open enrollment will be approved based on capacity at a school site and capacity in a special program in which a student may be enrolled.


    Peoria Unified will notify families the last day of the first semester whether a student's open enrollment application has been accepted, placed on a waiting list pending the availability of capacity, or denied.

    For questions, please contact your school’s principal and they will be able to assist you.