- Vistancia Elementary School
- Section 504
How is a 504 Plan Implemented and Reviewed?
All of the professional staff who work with the student must be provided a copy of the student’s Section 504 plan. Paraprofessional staff who work with the student should also be thoroughly familiar with any accommodations that the student requires to receive an appropriate education.
On an annual basis, or more often if needed, the team will reconvene to review the plan. At the meeting, the following questions will be asked:
• Is the student still eligible for a 504 plan?
• Is there new information that needs to be considered?
• Are the current accommodations working?
• Do any changes need to be made to the plan?
Based on the answers to the above questions, the team may decide to continue the same 504 plan, make changes to the plan, or discontinue the plan because the student is no longer eligible.