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Get Inside the Course Early and Often
Posted by eCampus Virtual High School on 6/2/2020 8:30:00 AM
You have gone through the steps to register for the course with your counselor and attend the in-person orientation. You leave the orientation feeling confident that you can have a successful online course experience. Now, it is time to build on that momentum, but how?
The best course of action is to get inside the course early and often. Login regularly and complete the first week’s assignments ahead of the due date schedule. Navigate inside the course and get familiar with how the course is setup and how to do certain tasks like responding to a discussion forum and uploading an assignment.
In addition, review the course syllabus and other “Start Here” information to ensure you are clear on expectations and guidelines. If you have any questions, reach out to your eCampus instructor via email or phone to get your questions answered.
Taking time upfront to familiarize yourself with the course and the instructor’s expectations will set you up to have a successful online course experience.