Benefits of Dual Enrollment

Posted by Andrew Mendivil on 6/13/2019 1:00:00 PM

Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment has been a part of our district’s high school course offerings for several years.  Dual enrollment courses enable students to earn high school and college credit simultaneously.  In addition, dual enrollment courses expose students to more rigorous coursework while allowing them to earn college credit at a discounted rate.  The added benefit is students don’t have to travel to the community college to take the course. Instead, students take the course within the familiar surroundings of their home school or online with eCampus. 

An Inside Higher Ed article states that “dual enrollment programs provide positive outcomes on such measures as high school graduation, college enrollment rates, and college grade point averages.” Dual enrollment can be the trigger that causes some students to initiate conversations with their counselors about post-secondary options.  Students can get a head start on college credits while still in high school. 

eCampus currently offers College Prep English Honors and College Mathematics for dual enrollment credit through our partnership with Maricopa Community College. Students should consult with their home school counselor to enroll in any of our eCampus dual enrollment courses.  Finally, we encourage students and parents to reach out to their prospective college or university to determine how the college credit will transfer. 

Dual enrollment can be a great way for high school students to get a head start on college credits at an affordable cost all the while enjoying the benefits of their high school experience.  eCampus can be a great option for students who want the opportunity to earn dual enrollment in an online environment.