- MET Professional Academy
- Engage
The MET Professional Academy provides students with the opportunity to gain real-world, hands-on experience in professional work environments that relate to academic & career interests in preparation for future careers.
Job Shadow – Investigate a career area of interest through planned on-the-job visitations. Students will be matched on an individual basis with an adult/professional mentor to gain first-hand knowledge of a profession and industry.
Externship Project - Relevance is central to the MET learning model. Our students can solve real problems, with real tools, being mentored by real employers, leading to real contributions in the professional arena and community. To support that learning model, we are always looking for projects that will train our students in key skills for employability. Project Request Form
Guest Speakers/Workshop Facilitators – Professionals can enhance classroom instruction by providing students with subject matter expertise or professional skills training. They can participate in panel discussions or provide feedback to students on projects. The program is open to virtual class experiences that would benefit student learning.
Internships – Afford students with opportunities to fast forward into a possible future and fully immerse themselves into a professional work environment and culture, experience and solve real profession-based problems, observe problem-solving strategies used by employees, collaborate with employees, use industry standard tools, and be mentored throughout the process. Testimonials
Mentors – The MET mentoring program brings together students and mentors in purposeful, mutually rewarding partnerships. The mentor can help students build their network, expand horizons and explore new opportunities by sharing their knowledge and advice. MET Mentorship Program
Site Visits/Field Trips – To engage students in the most relevant, cutting-edge, and inspiring learning environment, business & post-secondary partners can support by hosting a site visit allowing students to gain a direct experience that incorporate tools, equipment, technologies and supplies used within an industry and/or career field.
Workshop Extensions – Students and/or teachers attend enrichment programs which may include workshops, camps or other activities that are sponsored by a business partner or post-secondary institution that help to expand learning and networking opportunities.
Community Service - If your organization would like assistance with philanthropic activities and events, we have many students looking to volunteer their time to assist with community engagements.
To learn more about how to get involved, contact Kirsten at Kcoury@pusd11.net or 623-773-6700.