Charger Football

    Athletic Mission

    Copperwood athletic programs strive to instill not only skills but character also. Our coaches pride themselves in having leaders in the game but more importantly in the classroom, throughout the school, and in the community.  


    Announcements are made prior to try-outs through the daily announcements. 


    "What is learned on the athletic field is not forgotten, nor are the lessons of character that are forged there ever lost. Consider the contributions in the field of public life, business, law, medicine, and the military of those who actively participated in athletics." -Robert Kennedy



    • State Board of Education Rule R7-208 as mandated by the Arizona State Legislature requires that each school district must have in place a "No Pass No Play" policy.  The Peoria Unified School District views this policy as a tool for motivating student athletes to be successful in their academic subjects.  District policy requires the following:

      • Student athletes receive a weekly grade check to determine their eligibility to participate in athletic competitions.
      • A student must receive a passing grade in all enrolled classes on the weekly grade check preceding the contest or performance.
      • When a student's grade falls at or below 65% (+or- 2%), the student must be warned of potential ineligibility.  Warning of potential ineligibility must take place before ineligibility is declared.
      • Ineligibility is declared on Friday and the student is ineligible beginning the following Monday.
      • Students are ineligible until they earn a passing grade.
      • Student athletes with an Individual Education Plan or 504 accommodations must continue to make adequate progress toward achieving their goals to be eligible to participate.