- MyLife - Student Resources
- Overview
Transcript Requests
Currently Enrolled Students
Unofficial transcripts: download from StudentVue and ParentVue. Sign in to your account and go to the Course History tab. A link to a PDF of the unofficial transcript will be at the top. Simply click and download.
Official Transcript Requests: Students that need an official transcript sent to a college/university, NCAA or any other entity may use their SchooLinks account to request the transcript. This is a secure and free resource for sending transcripts. Over 900 colleges and universities accept these official electronic transcripts. Go to the Student Portal Education Resources - choose SchooLinks, go to colleges, then College Applications. Add the school(s) to make the request. For more detailed information click on the links below:
Transcript Requests Quick Guide
Application Manager Including Connecting Common App
Alumni or Former Students
Official Transcript Requests for Graduates or Attendees for the class of 2007 and greater:
- Visit Parchment - click the link on the right for the school you last attended. Either log in as an existing user, or click "New Learner Account" and enter all requested information. This service requires a small fee, but is the fastest most accepted method for sending and receiving electronic transcripts. This service is most often used for college or university requests.
- Class of 2024 may continue to request official transcripts from SchooLinks at no cost.
Official Transcript Requests for Graduates or Attendees that attended prior to 2007:
- Electronic Transcripts were not available prior to 2007.
- Contact the School's Records Office directly. See contact information to the right.
Education Verifications:
- Fax or Email Verifications to the Records office at the school of attendance.
- Be sure to include the student's legal name when attending the school, the student's full date of birth, and the signed release of information.
- Parchment may also be used for education verification.
School Records Contacts and Links
Cactus High School
Parchment link for Cactus High
Records Specialist: Terri Sutton
Email: tsutton@pusd11.net
Phone: 623-412-5039
Fax: 623-412-5028
Centennial High School
Parchment link for Centennial High
Records Specialist: Sue Nolen
Email: CeHSRecords@pusd11.net
Phone: 623-412-4444
Fax: 623-412-4420
Ironwood High School
Parchment link for Ironwood High
Records Specialist: Cathy Leftault
Email: cleftaul@pusd11.net
Phone: 623-486-6437
Fax: 623-486-6424
Liberty High School
Parchment Link for Liberty High
Records Specialist: Leanne Christmas
Email: lchristmas@pusd11.net
Phone: 623-773-6533
Fax: 623-773-6540
Peoria eCampus Virtual High School
Records Specialist: Tisha Fitzgerald
Phone: 623-412-5345
Fax: 623-486-6029
Peoria Flex Academy
Parchment link for Peoria Flex Academy
Records Specialist: Monique Spiller
Email: mspiller@pusd11.net
Phone: 623-412-5479
Fax: 623-486-6022
Peoria High School
Parchment link for Peoria High
Records Specialist: April Badillo
Email: abadillo@pusd11.net
Phone: 623-486-6322
Fax: 623-486-6369
Raymond S. Kellis High School
Parchment link for Raymond S. Kellis High
Records Specialist: Eli Tijero
Email: etijero@pusd11.net
Phone: 623-412-5452
Fax: 623-412-5447
Sunrise Mountain High School
Parchment link for Sunrise Mountain High
Records Specialist: Carrie Olsen
Email: colsen@pusd11.net
Phone: 623-487-5171
Fax: 623-487-5140