- Sun Valley Elementary School
- Overview
Sun Valley has many options for participation in school athletics. Having a healthy lifestyle is important. Please encourage your child to try out for different sports. Please know that there is a limited number of athletes that are chosen for each one.
Parents - Prior to having your child tryout for a sport, please complete your child's information on Register My Athlete. Call Front office or contact coach for more information.
FALL - Season 8/12/24 - 11/1/24
Boy's Baseball - Coach - Mrs. Trout - ktrout@pusd11.net
Girl's Softball - Coach - Mrs. Bacon - tbacon@pusd11.net
Cross Country - Coach - Mrs. Bacon - tbacon@pusd11.net
Season - 9/23/24 - 12/14/24
WINTER - Season - 11/8/24 - 1/29/25
Flag Football - Coach - Mr. Gogolinski - dgogolinski@pusd11.net
Girls Volleyball - Coach - Mr. Ramage - kramage@pusd11.net
SPRING - Season - 2/18/25 - 5/16/25
Boys Basketball - Coach - TBA
Girls Basketball - Coach - TBA