- Canyon Elementary School
- Overview
Dear Canyon Families,
Welcome to the Canyon Library Program for the 2022/2023 school year. Your child may be visiting the library once or twice in the six-day rotation, depending on their schedule. Jr. high will come to the library for book checkout only. The books your child checks out are due back to the library the following scheduled library class. Students will only be permitted to check out a new book if their books are returned. If they forget their library books, they will not be allowed to check out another one until the previous one is returned. The joy of sharing books is a special gift you can give your child, so be sure to read with your child the books they have selected and keep it in their backpack. Kindergarten through second grade will be allowed to check out one book at a time. Third through eighth grade will be allowed to check out two at a time.
The Library Permission Slip must be signed before your student can check out books. This is done at the beginning of each school year. If the books are lost or damaged, the parents/guardians are responsible for paying the replacement cost of the books. These are not new policies but rather a reminder of the Policies and Procedures for checking out library books.
The library is open during regular school hours. Parents who would like to obtain a copy of the current books in our library or a copy of their child's checkout history can email me to set up a time to come in. Additionally, parents can always go to our Destiny catalog to look up titles or see the current catalog of books. If you would like a printed copy of either the entire catalog or your child's checkout history, you will need to fill out a Library Access form. To obtain either of these, please click on the links below.
I look forward to reading many wonderful stories to your children, teaching new library concepts, and seeing them develop a love for books and reading.
Happy reading!
Mrs. Lenocker
Please email Mrs. Lenocker with any questions.