Canyon's Booster Club

  • Hello Canyon Families,

    Welcome to Canyon Booster Club! My name is Erika Veidmark, the President of the Canyon Elementary School Booster Club. I have been a part of the Booster Club for 6 years. My youngest is now in 6th grade and I have a sophomore at Cactus High School and my oldest graduated Cactus in 2020. I’m excited about the upcoming school year!

    If you would like to volunteer and be a part of our Booster Club, please fill out the Volunteer Application on the Peoria Unified School District website. To be on our campus as a volunteer, you must be cleared by the district. We always need extra help. To be a part of our Booster Club there is no fee and everyone is welcome.


    I’m excited to share that we will also be selling Canyon Coyote Spirit Wear! It is super easy to order t-shirts, sweatshirts, bags, and other stuff from the website where you can order, pay and it will be delivered to your home. It's super fun to see students, parents and staff wearing Canyon Coyote gear.
    Booster Meetings are typically on Mondays at 5:30pm. This gives you a chance to hear from the principal, find out what is happening at our school and meet other Canyon families. I look forward to meeting you!
    I hope you have a great year and I look forward to meeting you at the Booster Club meetings or one of our events. It's great to be a Coyote!If you have any questions, you can reach out to me.

    Please like us on Facebook! 




    Booster Club Executive Committee

    President - Erica Veidmark

    Vice President - Melissa Grimes

    Secretary - Becki Feil

    Treasurer -

    Public Relations - Carolyn Leister


    Contact Information


    Booster Club Facebook

    Please check out the Canyon Booster Club Facebook, maintained by the Booster Club (not Canyon staff), for extensive information and updates. 


    Meeting Schedule 22/23

    Mondays at 5:30PM in the library

    September 12, 2022

    October 24th, 2022

    November 7, 2022

    December 12th, 2022

    January 23rd, 2023


    March 13th, 2023

    April 10th, 2023