• Dear Zuni Hills Families,

    Welcome to Zuni Hills Elementary School---home of the Grizzlies!  I am so thankful for the honor and privilege of serving as principal of Zuni Hills.  Each year, we're focused on developing a culture of excellence and continuous improvement. After all, quality instruction is born from a passion for teaching and a continual desire to do things better.  It is our mission to help every child feel welcomed, connected, and a part of our Zuni Hills family. 

    At Zuni Hills, we have fabulous teachers who spend hours planning and creating engaging classroom activities to inspire our students to learn at the highest levels possible. Our teachers use research-based best practices and analyze academic data to determine the current needs and skill levels and set goals for academic improvement. Each quarter, we also focus on PAWSitive behavior--our school-wide expectations for positive character:  Personal Best, Acting Responsibly, Working and Playing Safely and Showing Respect. We love celebrating academic growth and character development at Zuni Hills!

    As a former first grade teacher, junior high teacher, high school teacher, reading specialist and instructional coach, I've had nearly 30 years of experience in the Peoria Unified School District serving students and teachers.  Each position has enriched my life and taught me valuable lessons that I've been able to bring to my current administrative position, overseeing our K-8 school.  I'm deeply committed to seeing your child grow and flourish in a safe, positive and caring environment each day.

    One of the most important aspects of my work at Zuni Hills is building strong relationships with students, teachers and families.  On any given day, you will find me in classrooms, in hallways, at lunch duty, and at school activities and community events.  It is through these interactions that I continue to find joy and inspiration to serve our students, staff and community.

    If there is anything I can do to further support you or your student, please let me know.  You can always reach me at klynch@pusd11.net.   

    #WeAreZuniHills #WeAreOne

    Mrs. Krista Lynch


    Zuni Hills Logo  


Mrs. Krista Lynch, Principal

Krista Lynch, Principal
  • Mrs. Krista Lynch


    Zuni Hills Elementary School