- Oakwood Elementary School
- PE Department
Physical Education
Oakwood students participate in Physical Education (PE) at all grade levels. Our incredible PE teachers work hard to teach our students the importance of exercise and movement through engaging activities. Our students take PE as a specials class 2-3 times in their 6-day schedule. Junior High students can elect to participate in Advanced PE in place of RTI. Our PE teachers put on fun events for our school annually, including the Turkey Trot, Reindeer Run, Donuts and Dodgeball, and everyone's favorite, Field Day!
For more information please contact:
Boy's PE: Michael Nieuwenhuis at mnieuwen@pusd11.net
Girl's PE: Heidi Thomason at hthomason@pusd11.net
Amy Hennessy at ahennessy@pusd11.net
Turkey Trot
Our Turkey Trot this school year will take place on _____________. Grade level times will be posted in early November.
Field Day
Students in K-8th grade participate in a one-day event full of fun and activities/competitions with their grade level! Our 2025 field days will be released soon! A field day schedule by grade level will be posted in February.
Track Meets
Each year our district holds a track meet for 5th - 8th grade students. Our students qualify for the meet based on where they place in their field day events. The top 2 students from the District Track Meet move on to the Championship Meet! Click on the links below for mor information on this year's track meet and practice schedule.