- Oakwood Elementary School
- TLC - Technology, Life, Careers
TLC - Technology, Life Careers
Our Technology Program at Oakwood is geared toward our 5th-8th grade students.
Our 5th and 6th graders participate in Technology Class as a specials class once in their 6-day schedule. They focus on computer literacy, keyboarding, coding, learning Microsoft Office programs in detail, and much more.
Our 7th and 8th graders take TLC (Technology, Life, Careers) as a required class 3 days out of their 6-day schedule. TLC is the first level of Career and Technical Education in the Peoria Unified School District. The purpose of The TLC program is to introduce the 6 Peoria Career Fields and the 16 National Career Clusters to seventh and eighth grade students. The students will have the opportunity to explore the Career Fields and Clusters with classroom instruction and hands-on lab experiences related to specific careers. In this 2-year program, we focus on Career Exploration necessary for further education and the workplace, Technology Literacy, Employability Skills, High School Registration, and much more!
For more information, please contact Mrs. Dulhanty at mdulhanty@pusd11.net
For more information about the Peoria School District's CTE Program click here: https://www.peoriaunified.org/domain/152