- Parkridge Elementary School
- 3rd Grade Supply List
Third Grade
Supply List
Here is a list of suggested supplies…
Student Supplies (Will be used all year!)
•Backpack (no wheels)
•(1) pencil box (flat, binder type or box)- please label
•(6) glue sticks
•(1) pair of Fiskars scissors- please label
•(2) boxes of Ticonderoga pencils- Sharpened
•(2) boxes of 24 crayons
•(12) Expo dry erase markers
•(1) white board eraser- please label
•(2) two pocket pronged plastic folders (yellow, blue)- please label
•(4) single subject college rule spiral notebooks (yellow, red, green, blue)- please label
•(8) skinny highlighters (2 yellow, 2 pink, 2 green, 2 orange)
•(1) box-colored pencils- please label
•(1) headphones labeled in Ziploc bag (NO earbuds)
•(2) boxes of pencil eraser caps
•(3) boxes Kleenex
•Multiplication and Division flash cards for AT HOME practice
•(1) box 2.5-gallon Ziploc bagsPlease choose at least 3 of the following items: (All donations are GREATLY appreciated)
•Clorox wipes
•Astro-Bright white or colored cardstock
•Colored copy paper
•Index cards
•Hand sanitizer
•Post-it Notes
•Sandwich Ziploc
•Snack Ziploc