- Parkridge Elementary School
- Junior High Supply List (7th and 8th Grade)
Junior High Student Supply List
For All Classes:
•#2 pencils – to be purchased monthly (regular or mechanical) EXTRA LEAD if purchasing mechanical
•2 each of blue, black, and red pens
•2 packages of college-ruled loose-leaf notebook paper. Please restock paper throughout the year. ONLY BRING 10-20 SHEETS AT A TIME AND REFILL AT HOME AS NEEDED
•Minimum of 4 whiteboard chisel point markers. Please restock markers throughout the year.
•Whiteboard eraser or a clean, old sock
•Highlighters - yellow, green, and pink are preferred. Please have at least 5 colors.
•Colored pencils
•Student scissors
•2 glue sticks
•Minimum of four packages small (2 .” x 2 .”) multiple colored sticky notes. Please restock throughout year.
•Refillable water bottle clearly marked with student name. Bottles can be refilled at school at refill stations.
•Optional: Personal mouse for laptop (optional)
•Optional: Markers, erasers, pencil cap erasers, hand-held pencil sharpener, pencil case, mini stapler, student agenda (check the dollar store!)For Homeroom:
•Boxes of tissue
•Optional: ream of colored printer paper, ream of colored cardstock (any color except white)
•******* Disinfecting wipes (Lysol preferred) *******
•Hand SanitizerA specific teacher list will be available at Meet the Teacher in August, 2024.