- Sunrise Mountain High School
- Parent Announcements & Information
Attendance Information
Please Contact the Attendance Secretary - Mrs. Jamie Deffner 623-487-5131 JDeffner@pusd11.net
Please review our Tardy Procedure
The attendance policy at Sunrise Mountain requires that students arriving late to school be signed in by a parent/guardian or have a doctor's note.
The student will then be given a late pass by the attendance office, and then report to their class. First hour - If a student's tardy is not excused, they will report to Sweep.
Students must be signed out in the attendance office by a parent/guardian to leave campus during the school day. Students cannot be released from class by a phone call to leave campus, even if they drive themselves. No student will be allowed to leave campus during the lunch period unless accompanied by a parent/guardian. Students cannot be signed out for lunch by anyone other than their parent/guardian.
Students must be in attendance for 60 minutes of the class period to be counted as present for that class. Students missing more than 30 minutes of class time will be marked as an excused absence if they are signed in by a parent/guardian or have a doctor's note.Remember Sunrise Mountain does enforce the 90% attendance policy. Students will have their credit withheld upon the 10th absence in any class period during a semester and the 5th absence in a 9-week class. The attendance office will notify the parents when the 5th or 10th absence occurs. The parents and the student will then be eligible for the appeal process to recover the credit(s) at the end of each semester for those classes they have 5 or 10 absences in. Both the student and parent/guardian are required to attend the appeal hearing.