• Clubs and Activities


    Art Club                                          Sponsor:  Mrs. Haas
    Art Club is a fun way to meet other creative students, stay active in art when maybe you can't be in art class, or to add more art to your life.  We meet two times a month after school at the Smart Center in the art room.  Each time we meet we complete a fun art activity.  Past activities include Bob Ross paint-alongs, making holiday themed decorations and cards, printmaking, tie-dye, and handmade sketchbooks.  The Art Club also participates in schoolwide community activities like building props for Homecoming bonfire and parade.

    Auditorium Technology Club          Sponsor:  Tanya Boehme 
    This club teaches students how to run the lights and the sound system in the auditorium and prepares them to tech for main stage events, concerts, meetings, and other school events. Students can learn new skills and improve existing skills while helping the school community keep our auditorium running smoothly and efficiently. This club meets twice a month regularly, and more often if students are chosen to tech evening events. 

    Auto Club                                 Sponsor:   Scott Hereder     
    Joining the auto club here at Sunrise Mountain high school is one of the best choices you could make. This club is loads of fun and very interactive. We participate in many school events; we make a float for the homecoming parade, have an annual car show and even run a haunted house every October. If you like cars, you will love this club, but even if you don't like cars, this club is still very cool and always looking for new members of all grades. So, if you want to join a super awesome and fun club, join the auto club!

    Band Club                                    Sponsor:  Mr. Osorio                                             
    The Band Club is open to all students enrolled in band/auxiliary for the current year.  There is a council that meets once each month.  The club is active in various fundraisers and participates in local competitions and parades.

    Best Buddies                Sponsor:    Taylor &  Westerman
    Best Buddies Friendship programs represent one of our organization’s three key mission pillars.  These programs build one-to-one friendships between people with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), offering social mentoring while improving the quality of life and level of inclusion for a population that is often isolated and excluded. Through their participation, people with IDD form meaningful connections with their peers, gain self-confidence and self-esteem, and share interests, experiences, and activities that many other individuals enjoy. The peers as well as the buddies walk away from this character building with an opportunity to have a new outlook on life and self-worth.

    Book Club                  Sponsor: Mrs. Cockrell
    is a place where students can share their love of literature in an open and inviting atmosphere. We choose, read, and discuss works from all genres. The meetings are fun and full of lively discussions. We meet every other Friday from 2:30pm to 3:30pm in Mrs. Cockrell‘s room (D110).

    C.C.C                Sponsor:       
    The Christian Club on Campus is a club that provides a place for students to gather and grow in their relationship with God, through worship, prayer, and fellowship with other students.

    Choral Club                                     Sponsor: Tanya Boehme    
    The Choir Club is open to anyone who participates in the vocal music program, and anyone who loves to sing. If you are in a choir class, you are automatically a member of the choir club and may participate in all our activities. This group sponsors monthly outings for choir members and works on recruiting others to sing.

    Dance Club                                       Sponsor: Amanda Moser  
    Open to any student interested in dance.  Members meet twice a month to discuss fundraising activities, field trips and learn choreography for the dance concerts.

    DECA                                                   Sponsor:    M. Cheatham     
    With over 200,000 members nationwide, DECA is a co-curricular, student-centered organization specifically designed to provide activities that will motivate students to study marketing, management, and entrepreneurial principles to better prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs. The club participates in fundraisers, community service projects, competitions (written, role-play, and online) against other chapters at regional, state, and national competitions. DECA members are leaders, advocates, and the future. There is a membership fee.

    D.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y.                                        Sponsor:  Kimberly Cockrell
    A neutral club that provides students a place to feel comfortable with race and diversity. Enlighten students on cultures and ethnicities.  Reduce discrimination, while promoting peace and positivity. Appreciation of other cultures and beliefs.

    Drama Club                                                   Sponsor:  Jeremy Selim
    Drama Club sponsors all plays and musicals here at SMHS. It is open to all students both in and out of Theatre Arts classes. We produce a fall play and spring musical. In addition, participants can earn points towards becoming a member of the International Thespian Society, attend field trips, and participate in many other drama related activities.

    CTSO     Sponsor: Robert Wills 
    The Engineering CTSO is a student-based professional development organization.  It is involved in community service and developing personal skills.  The club competes in many aspects of the SKILLSUSA competitions, including but not limited to robotics, CNC Milling, Public Speaking and Conducting meetings.     

    Educators Rising                                Sponsor: Kimberly Yonkovich 
    A career and technical student organization to help students apply classroom knowledge in meaningful ways.  Students compete statewide and nationwide with their Career Portfolios, Community Service, Child Development projects, Hospitality, and more.                                            

    FBLA                                                           Sponsor:     Joseph Temple & Tyler Arkin
    Future Business Leaders of America is a student organization that helps you transition into the world of business through competition and applying the knowledge you learn in CTE classes to real world situations. Founded nationally in 1940, there are over 250,000 members nationwide.  Meets will be held monthly and will help student gain skills to become leaders in the business world.

    FCA                               Sponsor:  Jodi Leonard & Jody Pruitt         FCA is a interdenominational, school-based, Christian sports organization. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering, and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ. FCA club    members will demonstrate steadfast commitment to integrity, service, teamwork and excellence.

    FIDM Fashion Club                                   Sponsor:   Merry Pors    Fashion Club is all about fashion, beauty, celebrity trends, contests, DIYS, fashion shows, community events and more.  We are sponsored by Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM), who has over 900 fashion club members in high schools all over the country.  One of our goals for the year is to attend the DEBUT Fashion Show in LA this Spring.

    Fire Science Club                              Sponsor: Z. Pettit

    Football Club                                      Sponsor: Steven Decker

    Garage Band                                      Sponsor: 
    Garage Band meets on Tuesdays after school.  While it caters to rogue student musicians and vocalists not already involved in a music program, all are welcome to come. The Garage Band discusses musical interests, song selections, and then collaborates on a diverse range of pop, metal, classic rock, and country.    

    GSA Club                        Sponsor: 
    The purpose of the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) is to encourage tolerance within the diverse population of our school, promote pride in our community, and create a safe environment for all Sunrise Mountain High School students. It will seek to empower the students and address the isolation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth, as well as to address the concerns of students who are questioning their sexuality. The GSA believes that its purpose is fulfilled in three ways: Building community, increase understanding with justice and acceptance of others, and supporting all students in the club.  

    HOSA                          Sponsor:     
    HOSA is an organization whose mission is to promote career opportunities in health care and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA is a national student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Educations Division of ACTE.

    Jag                              Sponsor: Senior - Jag Steven Decker ,  Junior and Senior Jag - Lindsay Quackenbush
    This is a program on campus for juniors & seniors, it is a yearlong class and a club as well. JAG is a National program that helps students prepare for life after high school. They will be exposed to various careers, colleges, trade schools, and numerous amazing opportunities. JAG also serves the community around us and creates social awareness in students. This is a student led program, officers are voted in and work closely with the coordinator to plan events on campus, community service for our campus and areas around us, invite a variety of guest speakers into class, and decide what trips to take in order to better their future.

    Law Enforcement Club                                  Sponsor:     Kirstin Monk
    This club was designed to allow students to get a taste of what it feels like to work in the world of Law Enforcement. The students will compete in crime scene investigation and in police street patrol situations for first on scene officers such as domestic violence calls, DUIs and so on.

    Media Productions Club/PSBN                    Sponsor: Amy Nygard                  To have a critical, concerned and empathetic audience to help improve and evaluate our productions. Participate in group efforts. Direct and encourage careers in Media fields and occupations, raise funds for special projects the club finds worth. Presentation of school-wide productions. Production, organizing, and assistance in Annual Film Festival.

    National Honor Society                Sponsor:  Melissa Malmos                                               National Honor Society is a nationally recognized club with charters across the country.  NHS is to   create enthusiasm for scholarships, stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of     secondary schools. Membership selection is by a Faculty Council and is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. To be eligible for selection into the club, the candidate must have attended SMHS for a minimum of one semester and be a sophomore, junior, or senior.

    Science Club                               Sponsor: Cheryl Fiedler                                                        The Science Club is open to all SMHS students, especially those who love science.  We promote recycling and ecology on campus.  Science Club is fun and enjoyable for anyone who wishes to attend.                                                    

    Sports Medicine Club                     Sponsor:  
    This is an educational experience working with the   various athletic teams.  Athletic trainers help to evaluate, treat and rehabilitate athletic injuries.  They also provide emergency care for injuries  during games and practices.  Great reference to an application and admission for any health care career.

    Strings Club:                                                 Sponsor. Tanya Boehme
    This club is for anyone interested in playing a string instrument and is open to anyone currently signed up for Orchestra as well as anyone interested in learning to play an orchestral instrument. This club meets monthly to discuss fundraising, learn and improve string playing, and learn songs for concerts.

    SWAG                                                      Sponsor:  Kirstin Monk
    Students With Aspiring Goals is a club designed to assist future mustangs in feeling comfortable around our Campus population by high lighting their GOOD doings. Whether it be excelling in sports, grades, fine arts or any other activities on school grounds.

    Unified Sports/YAC                             Sponsor:  Deborah Taylor
    Unified Sports and the Youth Activation Committee (YAC) activates youth to promote school communities where all young people are agents of change – fostering respect, dignity and advocacy for people with intellectual disabilities. YAC supports programs including - Unified Sports, Spread the Word to End the Word, Make That Change, Athlete Leadership Program and State & Area Sports Competition. Youth Activation Committee members develop strategies, lead initiatives, and organize events that promote the respect, inclusion, and acceptance of all people, regardless of abilities.

    Yearbook Club  / Journalism             Sponsor:   Jealynn Spooner                         Yearbook is available to those students taking yearbook or photo production classes.  Students learn to work as a team through club fundraisers and out-of-school activities, thereby creating a great Stampede yearbook.