Student Pick-up & Drop-off

  • The west parking lot is for Kindergarten drop off and pick up only. This can also include their siblings.  To keep traffic flowing, please pull all the way forward before stopping to drop off or pick up your child. For safety reasons, children should exit and enter vehicles from the passenger side. Do not leave your car unattended. If you have other students at Sundance, he or she may join your kindergarten student in the West lot for pick up. This way, you may pick both students up at the same time. Kindergarteners will not be sent to the main lot. Siblings are expected to follow the directions of the Kindergarten parking lot.


    1st - 8th grade students may be dropped off or picked up in the main lot. Simply pull in the west entrance off of Cholla Avenue and pull forward in the right hand lane. Please pull all the way forward in that lane until you close the gap between cars or you reach the drop off sign near the exit on Cholla. Once you have pulled forward, then students may exit through the passenger side of the vehicle to avoid having students step into the driving lanes and oncoming traffic. After the students have exited your vehicle, you may pull out of the "pull forward" lane to exit. If you choose to use the pull forward right hand lane, please do not leave your vehicle unattended where it can block traffic.


    If you are exiting the main lot and plan to travel east of the school, we ask that you use the right hand lane to turn right onto Cholla and save the left turn lane for those wishing to turn left. This will speed the exit lines from the school and keep the traffic clear.


    If you wish to help your student carry items to and from your car or want to walk them to the office, please park your vehicle in the main lot. We have assigned staff members to assist with traffic and crossing for your safety.