


    What is COOP?

    COOP is a work based program for high school juniors and seniors dedicated to establishing a career in early childhood education. High School students that have taken prerequisite coursework in child development and early childhood education are selected to work as teachers in our on campus preschool.  During their training, high school students acquire first aid and CPR certification, fingerprint clearance cards and employee training as required by the Arizona Department of Health Services. As a licensed childcare facility, we adhere to all of the licensing standards set forth by Arizona Department of Health Services.

    What makes COOP so unique?
    We are a one room preschool that limits enrollment to 25 students. We have 3 adult staff with training and credentials in Early Childhood Education that work with our COOP teachers to develop developmentally appropriate lessons aligned to Arizona's Early Learning Standards. We provide hands on learning opportunities throughout the day to foster Kindergarten readiness and a love of learning. Because of the high number of COOP teachers and adult staff working in the preschool, we are able to provide most of our instruction in small groups with ratios as low as one teacher to every 2-3 students. 


    Child Oriented Occupational Program/ COOP

    The COOP is licensed by the AZ Department of Health Services, located at 150 N. 18th Avenue Suite 400 Phoenix, AZ 85007. They may be reached at (602)364-2539. Inspection reports are available in the COOP office. Please see Mr. Fishencord if you would like to review them.


    Our Services
    We are licensed by Arizona Department of Health Services to serve four and five year old children:

    • Children must be 4 years of age by September 1st of the year they are registered to attend
    • Hours of operation: 6:45 am -5:00 pm
    • Children must be potty trained (no pull-ups)
    • Tuition includes a morning and afternoon snack as well as a hot lunch provided by the cafeteria
    • We follow the Peoria Unified School District calendar with a few exceptions










    6:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    The COOP student teachers will work with your children from 7:20 a.m. - 2:20 p.m. In order for your child to have the full COOP experience we ask that they are at school by 8:00 a.m., this is the time class activities start. We follow the Peoria District Calendar for holidays.

    There is always a supervising adult with the children.

    Preschool children enrolled in the program must be 4 years of age as of September 1 and toilet trained. Enrollment takes place in March with space limited to 24 children. The boy/girl ratio is considered when registering children.

    The cost for the program is $30 per day.

    Statement of Services is available upon request.

    For current tuition information, or to contact the COOP Director,

    Matthew Fishencord
