Welcome to the Desert Valley Nurse's Office!

  • Medication Requirements


    All medication for students MUST be provided by the parent in the original package and with a SIGNED district form. The form is available online just click on the link at the right corner of this page on the portal.



    • Cough drops, throat sprays, anti-itch preparations, etc. are considered “over the counter” medication. Students may not carry these items. They must be brought to the RN office and a district permission form completed. 
    • A hand-written note may accompany the medication for the first day. 
    • Each year new forms must be completed and age-appropriate medication brought to school. 
    • If a physician directs the parents to use adult strength medication and the student is under the age listed on the package, the medication must be accompanied by a doctor’s order.


    Guidelines for Sending Students to School


    Please keep your child at home for 24 hours following a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. If you have any questions regarding the symptoms mentioned, please call your doctor.

    Please remember to have your child remain at home if the following symptoms are present:

    • Stomachache
    • Headache
    • Sore Throat
    • Excessive or “barky” coughing
    • Elevated temp (100+)
    • Rash—please contact your Dr. regarding all rashes

    Keep the ill child at home for his own health as well as the health of other children.

    The #1 reason for missing school is respiratory illness. Please have your child learn to cough into the fold of the elbow—not the hands. And, please remind your child to wash the hands after coughing.


    Health Screening


    Students are screened throughout the year according to state guidelines. Students are screened in vision, hearing, color vision, and depth perception. Referrals will be mailed home to parents for students who may need correction or evaluation by a physician.


    Visiting the Nurse's Office


    A school nurse’s office is much like an Emergency Room at a hospital where patients are seen in order of need, not in order of entry. Every effort is made in our nurse’s office to give each student timely care and attention. Unfortunately, due to the limited availability of staff, sometimes a student must wait to be seen.  If the condition merits immediate attention, the parent will be contacted. If you have concerns about the care your child has received, please feel free to contact our office and discuss the matter.


    From the American Federation of Teachers


    “School nurses are the watchful eyes and ears of the nation's children during school hours. They are often the only primary care providers that children see on a regular basis. Children who used to stay at home when ill now go to school instead, often because both parents work. Many children with severe health problems who used to be enrolled in special schools or receive tutoring now are enrolled in classes with healthier children.


    School nurses don't just dole out bandages anymore. They administer medication and monitor medication response, respiratory status, seizure patterns and blood glucose levels. School nurses monitor students for parasites, skin infections, infectious diseases, and sexual and physical abuse. More than 97 percent of school nurses care for students with diabetes; more than 95 percent care for students with seizures; and more than 93 percent care for students with chronic and severe asthma.”


  • Nurse: Trisha Collinson


    Phone:  623-412-4753

    FAX: 623-412-4755

Health Forms