• *New - Arrival

    As of now, there will be no morning recess. Students will report directly to the classroom. If your child eats breakfast in our cafeteria, he/she may arrive to school at 8:15 AM. All other students will be permitted to enter the gates at 8:30 AM. Kinder-3rd grade enter from the Windrose gate, and 4th-8th grade enter from the Sweetwater gate.

    The front parking lot will be reserved for buses only. No parent drop-off or pick-up may take place from this location.


    *New - Dismissal

    Kinder will release at 3:30 PM from the Windrose gate. 1st-3rd grade will release at 3:40PM from the Windrose gate, and 4th-8th grade will release at 3:40 PM from the Sweetwater gate. Accommodations can be made for siblings to meet up and exit campus together, but all walkers will be ushered from campus swiftly. Bus riders will be staged in the MPR by bus route, so we can space them out. Bus passes for students to ride to a friend’s house will not be allowed this year.

    The front parking lot will be reserved for buses only. No parent drop-off or pick-up may take place from this location.

    No students may wait in the office for parent pick-up.

    We will not be able to supervise students in the office for late pick-up. All students must be cleared from the campus by 3:45 PM.


    *New - Sign-Out Procedure

    Please be aware that the office will no longer sign-out students after 3:00 PM. If you need to sign-out your child for a doctor appointment or any other reason, please arrive to our front office before 3:00 PM. To facilitate a safe dismissal, we are taking an all-hands-on-deck approach, and we need our office staff to help with those procedures. Additionally, students are still receiving vital academic instruction during these last 40 minutes.


    Drop-Off and Pick-Up Map