- Lake Pleasant Elementary School
- Overview
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures
Dear Families,
We are very fortunate at Lake Pleasant to have the opportunity to have three drop-off/pick-up locations! Most days, once we settle into the school year, we are dismissing our students within 8-10 minutes after our dismissal bell! Our ultimate concern during these busy times is SAFETY. Please review these guidelines that have been put in place to best support the safety of everyone on campus.
All students will report directly to their homeroom once they arrive on campus in the morning, unless they eat breakfast.
- Students can enter campus and go directly to their homerooms at the 7:40 AM bell
- We encourage older siblings to be dropped off with the youngest sibling for one drop-off location
Pick-Up Procedures:
- Kindergarten - 2nd grade dismissal occurs near 2:55 PM
- 3rd – 8th grade students will be dismissed from their classrooms at 3:00 PM
- We encourage our older siblings to walk to their younger siblings’ pick-up locations for one pick up spot
- Location is near the front gate to the Kindergarten playground
- From the main entrance, use the left (passing) lane to approach the location
- Merge to the curb side near the crosswalk
- Pull forward when possible, passing the gate as needed, to allow more vehicles to be in the area
- Have your children on the passenger side of the vehicle and prepared to exit the vehicle upon coming to a complete stop along side of the curb. There should not be anyone exiting the vehicle from the driver’s side of the vehicle
- Upon dropping off or picking up your child, safely merge to the left (passing) lane. Follow the lane around and through our top parking lot back to the main entrance/exit of our campus.
- Location is near the front of campus near the flagpole
- Drop-off or pick-up your students after the yellow gate
- Continue forward as close to the crosswalk as possible to drop off or pick up your child
- Have your children on the passenger side of the vehicle prepared to exit the vehicle upon coming to a complete stop along side of the curb. There should not be anyone exiting the vehicle from the driver’s side of the vehicle.
- Upon dropping off or picking up your child, safely merge to the left (passing) lane. Follow the lane past our kindergarten pickup/drop off area, around and through our top parking lot back to the main entrance/exit of our campus.
- Location is on the east side of campus traffic loop
- Enter the city park entrance that is on the east side of our campus
- Continue forward as close to the single gate to our playground to drop off or pick up your child
- Please do not pick-up or drop-off your child back near the yellow gates
- Have your children on the passenger side of the vehicle prepared to exit the vehicle upon coming to a complete stop along side of the curb. There should not be anyone exiting the vehicle from the driver side of the vehicle.
- Upon dropping off or picking up your child, loop around and follow the lane returning to the city park main entrance.
- No child should be without an adult in our parking lots
- If a parking lot is being used for drop-off or pick-up, the vehicle should be parked in an appropriate parking spot
- An adult must walk with the child from the vehicle and in a designated crosswalk to the school side of the sidewalk.
Bike Riders: Bike riders must enter the bike rack through the front gate by the office building and exit through the back bike gate. Students will proceed to the closest entry door and walk directly to their homeroom.
Bus Riders: Students who ride the bus will enter campus through the double gate in front of the cafeteria and proceed to the closest entry door, walking directly to their homeroom.
- Older siblings of Kindergarten Students need to walk them to the kindergarten gate and take them directly to their homeroom, then proceed directly to their homeroom using the shortest route.
Walkers (South): Walkers who live South of the school (Desert Trails or Saguaro Heights Neighborhoods) will enter campus through the gate by the office building.
- Kinder walkers enter through the kindergarten gate.
Walkers (North): Walkers who live North (Ironwood Ridge) / North West (Westland Heights) of the school will enter campus through the basketball court.
- Kinder walkers enter through the kindergarten gate.
Walkers (West): Walkers who live West of the school (Canyon Crest, Aria, Alta Vista Neighborhoods) will enter campus through the basketball court.
- Kinder walkers enter through the kindergarten gate.
AM/PM and Students Eating Breakfast: Students who are in the before/after school care program or are eating breakfast in the cafeteria will exit the cafeteria through the door closest to the boy’s bathroom and then proceed directly to their homeroom.