Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. We are looking forward to another safe and healthy school year.  This letter is to inform you of some of the guidelines in the Health Office.



    As a reminder, due to school starting Aug. 4th and our hot weather, we encourage students to bring in their water bottles (in appropriate containers) and dress in appropriate cool weather clothing.



    To ensure the safety of students at Lake Pleasant, all medications, prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, must be kept in the Health Office.  All medications must be supplied in the original or prescription container with full pharmacy label. Medications will not be given to students without a signed medication form by their parent/guardian.  Please do not send medication to school in baggies or envelopes.



    We will be dispensing acetaminophen and cough drops to students, but in a limited supply. A permission form signed by a parent/guardian is required and will be kept on file for the school year.  If you have not updated this permission form for the 2022-2023 school year, please fill out this form and return to the front office.



    If your child uses an inhaler it should be kept in the Health Office. There is an SVN machine available in the health office.  If your child requires a breathing treatment at school, you will need to supply the tubing, nebulizer, and medication. 



    If symptoms of a communicable disease/infection such as strep throat, chickenpox, impetigo, pink eye, fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, discolored nasal drainage, or persistent cough is noted, it’s best to keep your child out of school and to consult with their physician/or to be seen at a clinic.  This also prevents disease outbreaks.  Please keep children out of school for 24 hours after a fever is gone. Please do not send them to school to “see if they can make it” or to “see the nurse.”



    If your child received an immunization during the summer or at any other time during the school year, please bring them in so that we may update their health record.  Students who are not up to date with their immunizations are not in compliance with Arizona State Law and may be excluded from school.  Students who are entering school for the first time or students who are enrolling from out of state must provide written documentation of immunizations. 



    Please let us know if your child has any chronic conditions, such as asthma, seizures, diabetes, heart disease, etc., even if medication/treatment is not necessary. For conditions which could lead to emergency situations we require a treatment plan from your physician so that we have doctor’s order to provide care. Also, if your student has experienced any health changes over the summer or has health concerns that we are not aware of, please fill out an updated health history form.



    If your child needs to be excused from PE, please send him/her with a note explaining why and specifically for how long they need to be excused.  Students needing to be excused from PE longer than one week need to have a note supplied by their physician.



    If your child has any special dietary restrictions, please visit our website at:

    peoriaunified.org to receive more information on dietary accommodations.



    Screenings will be done throughout the school year by the school nurse and assistant. If there are any concerns, a letter will be mailed home. Please review the Notification of the Vision and Hearing Screenings letter and the Parental Objection to Screening Form if you do not wish your child to be screened.


    If you have any questions or concerns, please stop by or call us at 623-773-6579.  For more information, you can log onto www.peoriaunified.org or email me at lgrace@pusd11.net. We look forward to another great year at Lake Pleasant.


    Laura Grace, RN, BSN - School Nurse       


    Shemeka Paschall-Beckman - Health Assistant              


Be Safe & Healthy!