• Kindergarten is where it all begins!!

    Kindergarten is an exciting experience and serves as the foundation for a child's future. We offer free, full-day kindergarten in a rigorous, engaging, safe and nurturing environment with highly qualified teachers to help your child be successful throughout their educational journey. In Kindergarten, your child will gain skills which will help them learn how to read and write. They will learn social skills, emotional skills and listening skills. They will learn concepts in literacy, mathematics and social studies. They are also exposed to physical education and special classes such as art, and music. Kindergarten is so much more than just your A, B, C's - it is where creativity is encouraged and bright minds blossom in a fun, safe environment. In Peoria Unified, we strive to make this an easy adjustment for parents to ensure your child is well-prepared for the best possible educational experience. Safety remains our top priority as we have enhanced our mitigation procedures to provide an environment safe and healthy for all. 


    We look forward to welcoming your kindergartener this fall!



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