What is the Centennial Site Council?

  • Where we find success, we likely find collaboration, communication and cooperation: The Centennial Site Council is an advisory body of community stakeholders who collaborate with administration to promote school improvement.

    Students, parents, teachers, staff members, and administrators meet regularly to identify common goals and assist administration in establishing plans to achieve them. Our Site Council members also help to allocate Centennial’s tax credit donations. 

    Over the last three years, Centennial's Site Council members identified areas for potential school improvement and provided essential feedback regarding communication, alternatives to suspension, campus safety, attendance, and college admissions. They adopted a constitution and helped to inform changes to district policies such as the student dress code. CeHS Site Council approved funding for Statistics textbooks and chalkboard replacements, developed a program to incentivize campus clubs and sports to help fund a built-in cafeteria trophy case, and supported the "You Are Loved" mural in the breezeway between the 100 and 200 Buildings.

    We're looking forward to another productive and engaging year, focused around doing what's best for our Coyotes and Centennial High School!

Wanted: Parent, Student, and Staff Leaders

  • Centennial elects an equal number of as many as five parents and teachers to serve alongside the other Site Council members. Council members serve two-year terms and may seek re-election. This year, vacancies exist for:

    • Two parents to join returning members Amanda Anchondo, Denise Carlson, and Charletta Horton Houston.
    • Three students (Grade 9, 10, and 11) to join a returning senior member.
    • One community member.

    We’re looking for parent and student members who can:

    • Bring a unique perspective and knowledge of our school’s needs.
    • Ask thoughtful and challenging questions.
    • Provide feedback in the interest of the entire school community.
    • Attend all meetings.

    Site Council meetings are open to the public and tentatively scheduled to occur in the Library on the following Tuesdays, from 4:00-5:30pm: 

    September 26th

    February 27th

    October 24th

    March 26th

    November 28th

    April 23rd

    January 30th

    May 7th

Applications are Due Sunday, September 17th

  • If you feel a commitment to serve the Coyote Community, please consider running for site council. Use the link below to complete a short application and share some basic information about yourself:

    Click Here to Apply for Site Council

    Applications are due Sunday, September 17th, with elections planned for September 19th through the 22nd. Thanks for your consideration and dedication to Centennial. If you have any questions, please email or call me at 623-412-4402.

    Mr. Hollabaugh