- Liberty High School
- Bookstore Information
Bookstore Hours
- Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday: 6:30AM-2:30PM
- Wednesday: 6:30AM-2:00PM
Contact Info
- Bookstore phone number: 623-773-6535
- Bookstore Manager: Paige Daniels
- Bookstore Clerk: Amanda Wahl
Payment Methods
Cash, Check, or VISA/Mastercard/Discover Credit Card presented with a Photo ID. NO APPLE PAY ACCEPTED!
Things you can pay for in the bookstore:
- Athletic/Marching Band Participation Fee
- Athletic Passes
- Class Fees
- Field Trips
- Library Fines
- Lockers
- PE Uniform
- Sport Camps/Clinics
- Tax Credit Donations
- Yearbooks
General Information:
- Athletic/Marching Band Participation Fees: $100 per student per sport up to $200/student or $400/family maximum. Athletic and Marching Band Participation Payments for each school year are accepted beginning July 1; however, you may want to wait until after sports tryouts are completed before paying the participation fee. You can pay your student’s participation fees via tax credit at https://www.peoriaunified.org/domain/140. Please be sure to select “TAX CREDIT ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION FEE” from the drop-down box to pay for athletic participation fees and “TAX CREDIT MARCHING BAND PARTICIPATION FEE” from the drop-down box to pay for marching band participation fees. DO NOT SELECT THE SPORT! Selecting the sport will route your payment to the wrong account and will not count as a participation fee. Please put your student’s name and sport into the memo box. Please call or email if you have any questions!
- Athletic Pass – Student: $50. Admits 1 high school student to any PUSD game throughout the school year except for tournaments and play-off games.
- Athletic Pass – Family: $175. Admits 2 adults and any elementary age children to any PUSD game throughout the school year except for tournaments and play-off games.
- Calculators: Students can rent out a calculator for free – if not returned before the end of the school year, a $55 fee will be put on their account.
- ID Cards: Replacement IDs cost $5 per reprint.
- Lockers: $5 rental fee per school year.
- Lost and Found: If your student is missing anything, please have them check with us. We may have it!
- PE Uniforms: $20 for both a Liberty Shirt and Shorts or $10 each