

  • Please contact our attendance office directly to report an absence.  Absences must be reported by a parent or guardian within 24 hours of the absence.

    Excessive absences due to illness must be verified with a doctor's note.  Vacation time that exceeds the alloted absences per term/semester must be approved BEFOREHAND by administration.  

    If a student exceeds 5 absences in a term or 10 absences in a semester, he/she may lose credit in that class.  If a student loses credit due to excessive absences, a letter will be mailed home explaining the reason for the loss of credit as well as the procedure to appeal.  

Tardy Policy

  • Tardy Practice  

    A tardy student is defined as any student who is not inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings. To address this occurrence, especially at the start of first hour, the Tardy Practices have been established. 


    1. To reduce classroom interruptions caused by students arriving late to class. 
    1. To reduce the number of students loitering on campus. 
    1. To teach the “lifelong” skills of promptness. 



    A parent can excuse up to 5 tardies. After the 5th excused tardy, the consequences for unexcused tardies will be put in place.

    • Tardies are CUMULATIVE (all classes combined) per semester.
    • 30 minutes late to a class constitutes an absence. 
    • Accumulated tardies could impact Open Enrollment application (variance)
    • Accumulated tardies could impact Attendance Appeals

     Consequences for Unexcused Tardies – Per Semester:

    Tardies 1 thru 4 

    No consequence; an email will be sent home from attendance when a student approaches #4.

    Tardies 5, 6, 7   

    20-minute lunch detention. (Lunch detention will be held in the library the 1st 20 minutes of lunch.)

    Tardies 8, 9, 10 

    After-school detention (2:30 - 3:30). Parent will be responsible for picking up his/her student.  Failure to serve will result in an additional consequence.









    Consequences for Escalation of Unexcused Tardies:

    Tardy 11   

    2-hour Saturday school/work detail; parent/guardian will be contacted by phone call.


    Tardy 12+ 

    Off-campus Suspension; parent/guardian will be contacted by phone call.




  • Kaylynn McGee

    Attendance Secretary



    Daisy Pineiro (Habla español)

    Attendance Clerk
