Ironwood Rules and Expectations

  • At Ironwood High School our goal is to promote a culture of safety and personal responsibility.  It is our belief that adherence to school expectations of behavior and attendance creates responsible, successful students and maximizes instructional time.  Below is a list of general rules and expectations at Ironwood High School.  Please see the Student Handbook for more information regarding school rules, regulations, and policies. 


    • Please see our Attendance section for information on our Absence and Tardy policies. 


    • Ironwood has a ZERO TOLERANCE CELL PHONE POLICY.  Cell Phones are not allowed to be used or visible inside classrooms/locker rooms or at any time during class (this includes flex hour and library tutoring).  If phones are out for any reason during class time they will be confiscated and sent to the front office.  A parent/guardian will have to pick the phone up at the front desk by 3:30 PM.  Students bring personal items to campus at their own risk.


    • Ironwood is a CLOSED CAMPUS.  NO student may leave campus during the day unless they are signed out by a parent or guardian.  Ironwood must have verification and parent contact for any students who leave campus.  NO VISITORS should be on campus without checking in at the front desk.  ALL Visitors must check in and have legitimate school business in order to be admitted onto campus.  Ironwood does not allow anyone on campus for lunch.  Former students are not allowed on campus to visit current students.  Former students are also not allowed on campus to visit teachers unless they have been invited by the teacher (and approved by administration) for a specific school related reason. 


    • Students are expected to follow the Dress Code.  Students who violate the dress code will be required to change clothes or be picked up by a parent/guardian. 


    • Skateboards and Bikes are not to be ridden on school grounds.  Ironwood provides an area for students to lock bikes and store skateboards.  Skateboards and bikes may NOT be carried to or stored in classrooms or unlocked during lunch.  Students bring personal items to campus at their own risk.  


    • Food and Drink are permitted in the cafeteria, snack bar, and designated eating areas only.  Food is never permitted in the classrooms or buildings.  Students may carry water in a clear container only.  No other beverages will be permitted.  Students will be asked to discard any food or drink brought into the buildings. 


    • All students are provided a free ID badge at the start of the school year.  Students must have an ID Badge in order to use the library or cafeteria, ride the bus, obtain a restroom pass from a teacher as well as for admittance into school dances.  Student ID must be presented upon the request of any staff member.  Students may get a replacement ID for $5 from the bookstore. 


    • Hats cannot be worn in buildings. 


    • Limit public displays of affection to holding hands.


    • Use appropriate language.


    • Violations such as fighting, use or possession of drugs, tobacco, or e-cigarettes, lighters, or alcohol will result in 9 days off campus suspension and referral to the police.  Repeated violations will result in long term suspension. 


    Ironwood uses a variety of methods to ensure that students understand and adhere to school expectations.  Consequences for misbehavior can include lunch detention, after school detention, work detail, suspension, and revocation of enrollment at Ironwood.