• Important Announcement

    If you are interested in enrolling your student(s) into eCampus, please review the information below. If you still would like to enroll your student in full-time eCampus after reading all the information, then email ecampus@pusd11.net. Please include the following information in your email:

    • Subject line: New eCampus Full-Time Enrollment
    • Body of the email: Please include your student's first and last name, school they are currently enrolled in, and if student is on an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan.

    Our staff will review your email and respond back to confirm if your student met the enrollment expectations. Peoria eCampus Virtual School is a school of choice and is Peoria Unified School District’s full-time online learning option. Students will be taught by certified Peoria Unified teachers who are trained to deliver quality, online teaching and learning.

    Enrollment Expectations
    Some students may need significant in-home support from an adult. Consider your child’s needs before selecting online learning. Students electing to participate in full-time online learning must meet the following criteria.

    • Students must have passing grades in all core content areas for previous school year. For mid-year transfers, students must be passing current classes. 
    • Students must be promoted to next grade level.  Students being retained should select the in-person learning model. 
    • Students could be required to attend in-person tutoring and intervention at our eCampus office (location: Kachina Elementary School) if student is not making adequate course progress. 
    • Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) will be reviewed upon enrollment by the Exceptional Student Services department to determine if services can be met at Peoria eCampus Virtual School.
    • Co-enrollment (enrollment in both eCampus and in the student's home school) is available for high school students only.  
    • Student must reside in the State of Arizona.

    In addition, review our student success guidelines and our parent/guardian expectations.

    All full-time eCampus students are required to take any state tests, district benchmarks, mid-terms, and final exams in-person at the eCampus Testing Center. eCampus offices and the Testing Center is located on the campus of Kachina Elementary School (5304 W. Crocus Dr., Glendale, AZ 85306). Parents/guardians will be responsible for transporting their student to and from the Testing Center. No district bus services are provided.

    Extra Curricular Activities
    Grade K-8 students involved in extracurricular activities outside of school hours may be permitted to participate in-person at school of residence or previous district open enrollment school. Classes such as band, choir, PE, and art are not extracurricular. Students wishing to participate in these courses will need to attend full-time, in-person at their school of residence or previous district open enrollment school.

    Grade 9-12 students who participate in an AIA sport will be required to take at least one full-credit, in-person course at their home school to maintain AIA eligibility. No pass, no play rules apply to eCampus courses. 

    View the sample schedule for K-8 students to get an idea of what a typical day with some specials programming will look like.

    Full-time online high school students have access to the courses available on our eCampus course catalog. Students desiring to take core or elective courses not listed on our eCampus course catalog, will need to enroll in their school of residence or previous open enrollment school.

    Full-time online students will need a desktop or laptop (Mac or PC) to access online learning content. Please be aware that iPads, tablets, and Chromebooks will not display all learning content. Students who need access to a laptop or Wi-Fi hot spot should contact ecampus at 623-412-5345 or email ecampus@pusd11.net for laptop and Wi-Fi hot spot availability.

    K-5 Learning Model
    Students will be expected to connect with their teacher following the daily schedule for their designated class. The daily schedule will include the core content areas of language arts, math, social studies, and science. They will meet with their teacher and class using the district’s video conferencing platform. Whole group, small group, and individual support sessions will take place regularly. Lunch and stretch breaks will be a part of the daily schedule. 
    Time will be allocated during school hours for students to work at their own pace to strengthen their understanding of academic content. Examples may include reading chapter books, hands-on activities, math practice, and writing. Students may be provided additional online opportunities for physical education and the arts when available.
    Many resources used for instruction in the district include both digital and print versions. When district resources are available digitally, those may be used for online learning. Current resources that have both digital and print availability include the district adopted math and language arts programs.

    Time Requirement

    • Full-time, kindergarten online students will be required to participate in coursework a minimum of 10 hours per week. Students are required to report daily attendance minutes using the district online tracking system.
    • Full-time, grades 1-3 online students will be required to participate in coursework a minimum of 20 hours per week. Students are required to report daily attendance minutes using the district online tracking system.
    • Full-time, grades 4-5 online students will be required to participate in coursework a minimum of 25 hours per week. Students are required to report daily attendance minutes using the district online tracking system.

    Note: Online learning for K-3 students can be challenging. In-home support from an adult will be required for student success. In-person learning is the only option available to PreK students.

    Middle Grades Learning Model
    Middle grade students will participate in self-directed online learning. Students will connect with their teachers as needed for support. During scheduled live learning, students will meet with their teacher and/or class using the district’s video conferencing platform. Classes will include the core content areas of language arts, math, social studies, and science. Students may be provided additional online opportunities for physical education and the arts when available.

    Students are expected to be available for live learning, class meetings and small groups during designated instructional time. Whole group, small group, and individual support sessions will take place regularly. Lunch and stretch breaks will be a part of the daily schedule.

    Time Requirement
    Full-time, grades 6-8 online students will be required to participate in coursework a minimum of 30 hours per week. Students are required to report daily attendance minutes using the district online tracking system.

    High School Learning Model
    High school students will participate in self-directed online learning. High school students will complete online course content with support from a teacher. As part of a course, the teacher may schedule live learning to provide instruction and support. Classes will use the district’s video conferencing platform for live learning. Students can access courses without day and time restrictions; students needing additional assistance can schedule an appointment with the teacher. 

    Students will be expected to attend all scheduled live learning sessions with their teacher; live learning will take place using the district video conferencing platform. In addition, students will be expected to participate in-person for state testing, mid-terms, final exams, and labs at a designated district facility.

    Full-Time Enrollment Definition
    Students taking at least one in-person course are not considered full-time online students and therefore, should not apply as a full-time online student. Students should consult with their home school counselor for any online opportunities.

    Sample Grades 9-12 Schedule
    Creating a schedule is important to student success in a full-time online learning environment. Students can organize their day around a traditional Monday-Friday high school schedule where classes are 90 minutes, and a 30-minute lunch is taken. Students should consider the following criteria for the schedule they design: 

    • Set aside 10-15 minutes at the beginning of the day to check student email, course announcements, schedule appointments with teachers, etc.
    • Set aside adequate time to complete course work each day.
    • Check pacing guide daily for assignment deadlines.
    • Review teacher feedback on assignments regularly.
    • Check StudentVUE weekly for course progress.
    • Set aside 10-15 minutes at the end of the day to check student email for teacher feedback and announcements, upcoming deadlines, etc. 
    • Set aside time to meet in-person requirements (state tests, midterms, final exams, labs) by marking them on a calendar well in advance.

    Time Requirement
    Full-time high school online students will be required to participate in coursework a minimum of 30 hours per week. Students are required to report daily attendance minutes using the district online tracking system. Time can be logged for coursework activity done in the evenings and on weekends.