• Full-Time Enrollment

    The information below is for students and guardians who are interested in eCampus Virtual School as a full-time learning option for high school students for the 2025-2026 school year. 

    Enrollment Expectations

    Some students may need significant in-home support from an adult. Consider your child’s needs before selecting online learning. Students electing to participate in full-time online learning must meet the following criteria.

    • Students must have passing grades in all core content areas for the Spring 2025 Semester.
    • Students could be required to attend in-person tutoring and intervention at our eCampus office (location: Kachina Elementary School) if the student is not making adequate course progress. 
    • Students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will be reviewed upon request for enrollment to determine if services can be met through eCampus Virtual School.
    • Students enrolling in eCampus Virtual School will no longer be enrolled in their school of residence as they will be considered a full-time student at Peoria eCampus. 

    In addition, review our student success guidelines and our parent/guardian expectations.

    All full-time eCampus students are required to take any state-mandated assessments, mid-terms, and final exams in-person at the eCampus Testing Center. The eCampus Office and Testing Center is located on the campus of Kachina Elementary School (5304 W Crocus Dr, Glendale, AZ 85306). Parents/guardians will be responsible for transporting their student to and from the eCampus office/testing center as required. No district bus services are provided.

    Full-time online high school students have access to the courses available on our eCampus course catalog.

    All full-time students may check out a PUSD-issued laptop for use during the school year. Laptops are school-specific so students must return their laptop to their home school and check out out from eCampus upon enrollment. Email us at ecampus@pusd11.net to schedule a time to pick up your district laptop. 

    High School Learning Model
    High school students will participate in self-directed, asynchronous online learning. High school students will complete online course content with support from a teacher. As part of a course, the teacher may schedule live learning to provide instruction and support, though there are no daily live lessons. Scheduled meetings and tutoring sessions will use the district’s video conferencing platform, Microsoft TEAMS. Students can access courses without day and time restrictions. Students requiring additional assistance can schedule an appointment with their teacher.

                                                                                                                                           Sample High School Schedule

    Creating a schedule is important to student success in a full-time online learning environment. Students can organize their day however they choose. Some follow a traditional school day schedule, with 90-minute class periods and a 30-minute lunch, others prefer a format depicted above, focusing on two classes per day for larger chunks of time. Students should consider the following criteria for the schedule they design: 

    • Set aside 10-15 minutes at the beginning of the day to check student email, course announcements, schedule appointments with teachers, etc.
    • Set aside adequate time to complete course work each day to reach the required 400 minutes per week minimum. 
    • Check pacing guide daily for assignment deadlines.
    • Review teacher feedback on assignments regularly.
    • Check StudentVUE weekly for course progress.
    • Set aside 10-15 minutes at the end of the day to check student email for teacher feedback and announcements, upcoming deadlines, etc. 
    • Set aside time to meet in-person requirements (state tests, midterms, final exams, labs) by marking them on a calendar well in advance.

    Time Requirement
    Full-time high school online students will be required to participate in coursework a minimum of 30 hours per week, or 400 minutes per course per week. Students are required to report daily attendance minutes using the district online tracking system in StudentVue in the Attendance tab. Time can be logged for coursework activity done in the evenings and on weekends.

    Apply for Full-Time Enrollment
    Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is now closed. To inquire about enrolling for the Fall 2025 semester, complete this Application and email the student's most recent grade report to ecampus@pusd11.net