- Peoria Unified School District
- Overview
Which Immunizations are Required for My Child to Enter School?
If your child is entering preschool, kindergarten or 1st-12th grade, the following are required:
Students 11 years and older and entering the 6th through 12th grades will be required to have one dose of Tdap if 5 years have passed since their last tetanus/diphtheria vaccine and the Meningococcal vaccine. See requirements below.DTP, DT, DTaP or Td
4 or 5 doses if the 4th or 5th was given after the 4th birthday. Otherwise, 6 doses at appropriate intervals are required. (new as of 1/03)Tdap
Students 11 years and older entering the 6th through 12th grades will need 1 dose of Tdap if 5 yrs. have past since their last tetanus/diphtheria vaccine.
Polio (OPV or IPV)
3 to 5 doses are required depending on age. Consult your immunization provider.<MMR
2 doses must be completed before school begins. The first dose must be given on or after the first birthday. One dose required for preschool.
Hepatitis B**
3 doses must be completed before school begins. Dose 1 and 2 are to be given one month apart, dose 3, two to five months later.
All students preschool through the 12th grades will need the chickenpox (Varicella) vaccination or a form signed by a parent/guardian stating history of the disease. Forms are available in your school health office. Students 13 years or older who have not had the disease or the immunization will require 2 Varicella vaccines spaced 1 month apart.
Meningitis (Meningococcal) Vaccine
Students 11 years and older and entering the 6th through 12th grades- will need 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine.
**Preschoolers enrolled in district programs must also have their Hepatitis A series of 2 shots, 4 to 6 months apart.KidsCare Information
Arizona offers a program called KidsCare for children under age 19 whose parents work but cannot afford private health insurance. The application is quick and easy to fill out. No interview is required. Applications for KidsCare and help filling them out are available at school offices. Proof of prior month's income and proof of citizenship or immigration status is required. For additional assistance, please call 1-877-764-5437.