- Peoria Unified School District
- Overview
Fingerprint Clearance
If your Fingerprint card is expiring, or you simply need to apply for the first time, it can take the Department of Public Safety up to ten weeks to process. Remember to make sure your card is renewed or first ordered in time for you to report to school. You cannot be in the classroom without a Valid Fingerprint card (see additional information below from Arizona Department of Education).
To begin the process of applying or renewing your Fingerprint card you may go directly to the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) website.
For initial fingerprint card requests you will need to have your prints rolled. Once you complete the online application and make your payment through the DPS website, you will then be directed to a third-party site to select a location nearest you for fingerprinting.
Here's how to get started
For additional information on Fingerprint Clearance Cards, visit the Arizona Department of Education website.