Flyer Distribution Procedure

  • The Peoria Unified School District accepts flyer distribution requests for elementary schools only. For all materials regarding high schools, please contact the Public Relations department at If you wish to distribute flyers within our elementary schools, please note that they will only be distributed in the form of "counter copies." Counter copies refer to copies of flyers left on the counter of the school front office for parents/guardians to take at their own discretion. This means flyers will not go home directly in backpacks with students.

    To distribute flyers, please ensure they meet the guidelines outlined in the Written Assurance Form. Finally, please submit a front/back copy of your flyer along with the completed Letter of Assurance to Public Relations at Please note, even after your flyer has been approved by the district, it is still up to the school administration if the flyer will be displayed or not, pending available space and other school events.


  • Public Relations