• Per Governing Board Policy IJJ, the Board will approve and adopt all new textbooks and supplementary books. Textbook selection procedures will be established that shall provide for the appropriate involvement of staff members, students, and community members and follow the requirements of statute. Recommendations from textbook selection committees will be forwarded to the Superintendent.

    Per policy, Textbook Selection Committee (TSC) will oversee the evaluation process; the TSC meetings will be open to the public and all agendas will be publicly posted at least 24-hours in advance of each meeting. Part of the TSC’s work includes input from teachers, parents, students and community members on the proposed vendor textbooks and how they support student learning. 

    During these meetings, the TSC utilizes the Instructional Materials Evaluation Rubric Set which is rooted in method of approach and organized to determine the degree of quality relative to alignment and usability.  

    The rubric is designed to be completed in a sequential review of three gateways. Materials meeting the threshold for each gateway move on for review in the next gateway. All scoring is based on evidence observed, not inferred nor assumed. Materials not meeting the threshold of a gateway will not move on in the review and evaluation process. As such, the items on review have been narrowed.