- Peoria Unified School District
- Textbook Adoption
The Peoria Unified School District is seeking to purchase History and Social Sciences curricular resources to support the rigor and content expectations needed to meet the outcomes of the Arizona History and Social Sciences standards along with respective upper division and advanced level standards. Beginning today, Feb. 3, you will have the opportunity to review each of the proposed resources and provide feedback at the District Administration Center (DAC), 6330 W. Thunderbird Rd., Glendale, 85306. In alignment with Arizona Statute 15-721, Arizona Statute 15-722, and Peoria Unified Governing Board Policy IJJ, the materials will be on display for 60 days, until April 3. The DAC is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. To accommodate community members, the DAC will be open until 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 6 and Tuesday, April 1. The DAC will also be open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 8 and Saturday, March 29.
Click the appropriate link to submit feedback
Textbook List (refresh webpage to search again)
Online Logins:
Bedford, Freeman, and Worth
website link: https://achieve.bfwpub.com/
username: PeoriaSocialStudies@bfwpub.com
password: Review2025!Cengage
link: https://www.cengage.com/coursepages/Peoria_Social
username: Cengage1HMH
link: https://www.hmhco.com/ui/login/?connection=91001102
Teacher username: EvalTeacher489_91001103
Teacher password: E!12bk3hgiw
Student username: EvalStudent489_91001103
Student password E!1z7ark6p1hMcGraw-Hill
link: https://my.mheducation.com/login
username: AZSocialstudies2024
password: AZSocialstudies2024!Nucleus
link: https://learn.nucleuscourses.com
username: nucleus68@sample.com
password: Nucleus123!Perfection Learning
link: samples.perfectionnext.com
Teacher username: peoriaapss@perfectionlearning.com
Teacher password: Perfection1
Student username: PeoriaAPSS-student@perfectionlearning.com
Student password: PerfectionRamsey
link: Ramseyclassroom.com/#/sign-in/
Teacher username: Teacherdemo@peoriaunified.org
Teacher password: TeacherDemo1
Student username: Studentdemo@peoriaunified.org
Student password: 1StudentDemoSavvas
link: www.savvasrealize.com
Teacher username: TrySavvas!
Teacher password: SocialStudies1
Student username: Student.Demo
Student password: TrySavvasNow!Studies Weekly
link: Studiesweekly.com
username: demo@pusd11.net
password: Demo123!
Teachers' Curriculum Institute
link: https://subscriptions.teachtci.com/staff/sign_in
username: peoria_k12_reviewer
password: Peoria_2025