• STUDENT LAPTOP FAQ'stext of Laptops for Learning next to image of laptop displaying Peoria logo

  • The Peoria Unified School District believes technology can be a tool that can engage and enhance learning and teaching while extending learning for students outside of the regular classroom day. Laptops and the various district approved applications and resources all contribute to supporting student success and achievement. What's more, the Arizona Department of Education approved in January of 2022, new K-12 Arizona Educational Technology Standards. The laptops will be a tool that teachers can use to support the implementation of the new Arizona Educational Technology Standards.

    This site was developed to support students by answering commonly asked questions and providing helpful resources and tips when using the device at school and home. We encourage all parents/guardians to review this site with their children. Finally, students should complete the Laptops for Learning Knowledge Check after reviewing all the information on this site.

    Important: Students will need to login to their district assigned laptop with their district username and password at school before they are able to login to the laptop away from school. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What kind of laptop will students be assigned?

  • What happens if the laptop is damaged or stolen?

  • Who do students contact if they run into hardware or software issues with their student laptops?

  • What if students forget to bring their assigned laptop to school?

  • Can students personalize their laptops with stickers or decals?

  • How do students login to the laptop?

  • How do students access their district username and password?

  • What is the Acceptable Use of School Digital Technology?

  • Is Internet access filtered away from school?

  • What if students do not have Internet access at home?

  • How long will students keep their laptop and power cord?

  • Can students use their own personal laptop?

  • How can I increase the battery life of the laptop?

  • How do I clean my laptop’s screen and keyboard?

  • What are some digital safety and security tips?

  • How do students connect to the school’s Wi-Fi if they are moving from one classroom/building to another?

  • What is the Student Portal and how do students access it ?

  • What is StudentVUE and how do students access it?

  • What is Microsoft 365?

  • How do students sync their Microsoft OneDrive to their assigned laptop?

Helpful Tips

  • Tip #1: How should students care for the laptop?

  • Tip #2: Do students need to charge the laptop daily?

  • Tip #3: Should students power off their laptop when charging it overnight?