• As of November 22, 2024, results indicate the Peoria Unified bond will not pass. While the results are not what we were expecting, we will keep our staff and community updated with how we plan to navigate the year ahead to address our growing capital needs and adjust our plans to support the learning environments that our students deserve.

2024 Bond Election

  • On May 9, 2024, the Peoria Unified Governing Board voted to follow the recommendation of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee to call for a $120 million bond authorization in the 2024 General Election.

    If approved, the bond is not expected to be a tax rate increase. The projected average additional tax rate per $100 of limited assessed valuation is $.27.

    The Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) provided their recommendation to the Governing Board after conducting public meetings and a study of current and future facility and capital needs. With voter approval, the Peoria Unified School District may issue bonds, similar to a mortgage or line of credit, to fund projects that have a useful life longer than five years.

    The 2024 bond election includes the following:

    How will the dollars be used: Amount:
    Safety and Security $15,500,000
    Priority repairs and upgrades to elementary and high schools $57,200,000
    New elementary school construction $21,000,000
    District facility priority safety upgrades and security $3,700,000
    Technology $10,000,000
    Transportation $12,600,000
    Total: $120,000,000


  • What do I need to know about the bond election?

  • What will happen if the bond is not approved?

  • What is a bond authorization?

  • What is the cost to the average taxpayer?

  • If the bond is approved, why is there no expected tax rate increase?

  • How can I view the changes in secondary property taxes and how the bond will change the tax rate?

  • What are some more specific examples of how the district will spend the bond dollars, if approved?

  • If approved, where will the new elementary school be built?

  • Why isn’t the construction of a new high school included in the bond initiative?

  • Why doesn’t the district use its current dollars to fund these projects?

  • How were these projects identified?

  • When is the last time the Peoria Unified School District had a bond authorization in place?

  • What measures will be put in place to ensure transparency and accountability in how bond funds are spent, including independent audits?

  • Do other school districts also ask their communities to approve voter initiatives?

  • How do I get additional information on how the district spends its current budget?

  • * Tax rates stated per $100 of net limited assessed value without adjustment for earnings, arbitrage or delinquencies.  Estimated annual tax rate decline for new bond scenarios is based on current and projected property values and the District’s current plans for issuance of bonds.